


Ο Κος Luc Vermincksel εκτροφέας και Διεθνής Κριτής μου παραχώρησε την παρακάτω ηλεκτρονική συνέντευξη :

First of all, I would like to thank you a lot for accepting to answer to my questions. Let' s begin with your ansewrs.

1.Luc, it is known that you come from a family with a long breeding history. Describe to us a few things about waterslagers of that time and if you remember something that had made an impression on you. Do you think there are differences between the old waterslagers and the new?

Yes it’s true that I come from a family whit a history on waterslagers.
I have a diploma from 1887 whit a medallion from king of Belgium Leopold the first
The  song of the waterslagers is in the past years a little change. The different whit the birds from 1970 are the birds now is that the NEW  have more different tours. The OLD birds they are slower and they have a few tours less than the new one.

2. When did you become a judge? What does it take to become a good judge? Which are the qualities of a good waterslager in your opinion?

I start whit waterslagers when I was 14 years old and become a card for aspirant when I was 16 years old. I learn from my father and other old judges, like Roseau, De Grijze ect…..
After that I was judge for the KBFK, and after 7 years I did my examine for OMJ judge in 2005.
A good waterslager needs all the water tours, whit first a good slow and deep klok and now faults.

3.How many birds do you breed per year? Tell us some secrets about your breeding.

I breeding a 150 birds. I breeding whit 30 females and a 20 males. I have no secrets, but every breeder has its own theories and method. Important is that the birds have a good healthiness.

4.How do you see the prosses of today's malinois in Belgium? Are there new breeders that follow the steps of the older breeders?

How I see the future for the malinois in Belgium: There now many young breeders, year after year the old breeders stop but now young people start. I see in other countries like Greece, spain, Italy and even  America there still growing and al more young people starting whit the malinois. I hope we can many years enjoy the malinois over all the world.

5.I know that some breeders use Hartz's birds for breeding. What is your opinion on that cross thing? Which could be the result over time?

Breeding whit harzer, my opinion is that a harzer is rol and soft no Metallica and nasal. I now that some breeders experiment whit harzer. That makes also the different whit birds now and the OLD. More tours, faster more  nazal  ect…..
For more information, I think they are many sites where you can find it. If you have a specific question, let me now.

That's all. Thank you again for your answers. I hope that some day you will come as a judge at OEM, my club, here in Greece. If possible post some pictures of your breeding.

I make photos today and I send it to you.
Whit kind regards
Vermincksel Luc.

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